Showing posts with label webinar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label webinar. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4

The ten most hated words on the Internet

The Internet has much to answer for, but one of its chiefest sins is its relentless stupifidication of the English language. And no, I did not just make up the word "stupifidication."

UK pollsters YouGov have just completed a survey on the web's most-hated words, the abominations that threaten to turn English into a long series of "plzkthxbye" utterances. At the top of the list (and rightly so) is the word "folksonomy." It's followed by:

* Blogosphere
* Blog
* Netiquette
* Blook (don't ask)
* Webinar
* Vlog
* Social Networking
* Cookie
* Wiki

By Nate Anderson

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